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Aktiviti Team Building Untuk Syarikat Korporat di Malaysia

Di Team Music, kami menyediakan aktiviti yang berorientasikan muzik, sebagai salah satu cara team building untuk pasukan-pasukan korporat di Malaysia, dengan kapasitas 10-350 pax. Program-program kami asalnya direka di Singapura, dan pengalaman muzik tidak diperlukan untuk penyertaan. Semak imbas senarai program kami untuk memilih acara team building korporat yang sesuai untuk organisasi anda hari ini! Kami menjalankan aktiviti kumpulan ini untuk orang dewasa, remaja dan anak-anak. Kami membuat acara korporat di Malaysia sebuah memori yang anda tidak akan melupai!




Membina Team Anda Melalui Muzik.

Paling Popular


10 – 350 pax •  Kolaboratif / Kompetitif

Pengalaman Team Building Band Korporat Terbaik

Untuk Pemula


10 – 100 pax • Persembahan Kolaboratif

Program Muzik Yang Sangat Menyenangkan

What Human Resource & Managers Say

I have attended various team building events before and this is one of the best so far. The level of participation, energy and fun was high, and everyone enjoyed themselves. We were pleasantly surprised that we can produce a song with majority of us not having any musical background. The crew were highly professional throughout the event.

Sean from Lego

Great energy from all the facilitators and we’ve managed to play 2 full songs within 3 hours. Our team of 40 colleagues had great fun and will definitely refer to other departments and friends!

Bosco Hyypanen – Hong Kong Tourism Board

Friendly, accommodating and (very) patient staff! The program itself is good as a team building activity, having fun is not the only thing offered. Making our band-playing dreams come true is not bad either!

Gen Ong – Philip Morris International

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