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Happy Meeting

Wise entrepreneurs know that maintaining happiness is vital to their company’s prosperity. One of the many benefits of having happy employees is increase in efficiency. It has been proven that satisfied employees are more inspired and therefore, more productive.

So how do you achieve an organisation of happy employees?

 1. Recognise a job well done

Give credit where credit is due. Acknowledge a great job; recognize an employee for going extra mile. We know very well how good it feels when our hard work pays off. Don’t take away that feeling by letting your employees know that you value all the efforts they exert in helping your company grow.

 2. Allow flexibility at work

No one finds happiness in a constrained environment. Allow your people to have a little bit of control in their work. There’s a great sense of empowerment when employees feel trusted and are able to go about with their tasks in ways they feel most comfortable with.

 3. Allow professional growth

Opportunities to progress at work is also a good way to keep employees happy. Knowing that there’s a good future ahead of them is a motivating factor that keeps people moving. Provide skills development program for your employees—allow them to take classes, participate in workshops, and attend seminars that will hone them as professionals. Apart from keeping them happy at work, you will also benefit from their newfound skills and knowledge upgrade.

 4. Promote work-life balance 

Work-life balance is not an entirely new concept and is already a proven way to keep employees happy. Acknowledge the fact that your people have lives beyond the realms of your organisation, too. And more than implementing work-life balance at work, encourage it. Remind your employees to keep the right amount of balance between work and personal life. The happiest and most inspired employees thrive not only at work, but in their personal lives as well.

 5. Be open to feedbacks

Cultivate a culture where people are not afraid to speak out their minds and give feedbacks. Let your employees know that they have their say in continuously improving your organisation. Having some kind of a feedback system allows you to know what needs to be changed with your current set-up. This does not mean that you have to take and follow each suggestion though. All you have to do is have open ears and mind. Who knows, you might just find the next big idea for your much needed breakthrough from one of your employees?

 6. Encourage socialisation

A friendly, positive atmosphere makes a great fertile ground to nourish happy employees. Push everyone to foster their relationship with their colleagues beyond work emails and corporate chat threads. A meek nod when employees pass by each other in the hallway is simply not enough.

Activities like team bondings help foster a better relationship within people in an organisation. If you want to look for unique corporate team building activities in Singapore, go ahead and check us out here at Team Music. We offer out-of-the-box music programs where every member of your team will truly benefit!

Maintaining a happy working environment does not entail huge changes in the company. Little efforts like these ones go a long way in pushing your people to work more productively. Follow these tips and enjoy the fruits of a better performing team!


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