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coordination is key

Proper coordination within an organisation is crucial factor for any business to thrive and succeed. Companies even make use of team bondings and fun corporate events to establish and strengthen coordination between employees. But what is coordination in the first place?

 In a nutshell, this is the process of binding the activities and resources of all the different departments within an organisation with the goal of achieving a single-minded objective. When a company fails to coordinate, not only does the productivity of their employees diminish, it also complicates the processes and delays the completion of projects an organisation has to deliver. In the long run, the consequences can be damaging not just to the business and its profits, but also to the employees’ morale.

Recommended reading: 5 Hacks to Breaking Monotony at Work

Here are the tell-tale signs of when an organisation suffers from poor coordination.

  • DuplicationA usual sign of lack of coordination within an organisation is redundancy. This happens when there is poor communication between different employees and departments. Because of redundancy, an organisation spends unnecessary amount of time and effort to produce the same output twice. And clearly, that’s a total waste of manpower and resources spent!
  • Lost of InformationIn order for different departments to carry on with their responsibilities, information must be shared with one another. Again, because of poor communication, lost of information is typical within an uncoordinated organisation. Lack of information can subsequently create a cascading effect and cause serious damage to the organisation.
  • Delay on DeliverablesWhen there is lack of coordination between employees, delay on deliverables is bound to happen. When there is loss in organisation’s productivity and effectiveness, it can take a toll on the relationships you’re building with your customers, and in effect, tarnish your organisation’s reliability and reputation.

Sure, it takes time and effort to plan and structure an effective coordination system that will best work for your organisation, but you see, the impact and significance of it will be absolutely be valuable and beneficial to each and everyone in your company. Here are some tips that can help you out on developing a strong and effective coordination within your organisation!

  • Foster Great CommunicationPromoting a healthy communication habit helps prevent any unnecessary disagreements and conflicts. Various types of communications such as departmental news, bulletin reports, and regular staff meetings provide great opportunities for open discussions and exchange of ideas within the different departments that can cultivate cohesion and harmony.

PRO TIP: Organising team bonding for your employees is a great way to foster communication and strong ties with one another. Check out unique team bonding programs today!

  • Establish a Clear Organisational StructureEstablishing an organisational structure is essential to secure proper coordination. A clear definition of everybody’s roles, responsibilities, and the team’s chain of command is crucial in building a strong coordination and effective workflow within an organisation. Well-defined policies and procedures should also be introduced so everyone has a transparent perspective of their tasks and objectives.
  • Effective LeadershipPeople work for inspiring leaders, not commanding dictators. A true leader not only leads their team to success, they are also perceptive to their team’s needs. A great leader is someone who is able to inspire and motivate people to fulfill their biggest potential and reconcile any conflicting issues harmoniously. An effective leader is someone who is capable of promoting coordination across every level of organisation.

Coordination is the KEY to building structured systems and unity between different departments so everyone can efficiently work towards achieving the desired goals and business objectives of your organisation. It also helps in fostering a positive and harmonious environment for your employees so they are more productive, effective, and happy at work. Follow these simple yet actionable tips and pave the way for your team’s greater success!


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